By ena ganguly
Only three months into 2020 and we are facing a global pandemic. COVID19, an airborne virus that causes fever, shortness of breath and cough, has directly affected over 60,000 U.S. residents. Times are scary for many of us, especially for those of us who don’t have access to medical care, are not getting paid, don’t get have sick time, live with chronic illnesses (including mental health illness), and don’t have as much mobility or access to transportation as others. So, how do we live through this time with our mental, physical and emotional health intact?
Make A Routine
For those of you who are out of work or aren’t used to working from home, create a routine. This may be difficult for those of us who are parents and/or caretakers and looking after children, disabled folks or our elders. Try to follow this (and get others in your household to do so too) as closely as is possible.
Wake up at a certain time every day, and go to sleep at a certain time. Shower every day and change your clothes. Go on walks or sit outside for ten to twenty minutes every few hours. Stretch, meditate, do yoga. There are many yoga studios in the country that are doing live feeds for folks to partake in. Here is one yoga studio doing a live stream for folks, and I’m sure there are many YouTube and Instagram videos you can find for some at-home movement with little to no equipment required.
You may want to journal, nap, watch that movie or show that you’ve been meaning to but haven’t had the time to, and cook (maybe even try out some new recipes). Build a routine out where you feel that you’re staying in touch with yourself and your well being. If you’re not a routine person, try making a to-do list, not a stressful one, but one that will help you stay on track with what it is you want to get accomplished today or in the next two to three days.
Stock Up, Don’t Stockpile
As we distance ourselves from others and self-isolate, shop for the things that you are absolutely essential for you to have for the next week or next two weeks. This may look like having enough water, medicine, toiletries, cleaning supplies, groceries and snacks, and anything else that you and/or the people you live with need.
Though it’s important to stock up, don’t stockpile. Meaning, don’t hoard resources because you feel uncertain of what’s to come. If there’s only three things of hand soap in the aisle, and you’re a household of two, just take one, and leave the rest for others to grab. Be mindful of how much of the essentials you’re buying and be realistic about how much you will truly need in the next two weeks or so. This deliberate compassion not only helps the local community that you’re a part of, but it also eases the burden of workers who are tasked with constantly restocking the aisles.
Access Resources Near You
If you have some time, do research on the services and resources available to you and your loved ones during this time. Here are a few to start:
For artists:
List of Arts Resources During the COVID19 Outbreak
This is a website that enumerates the various resources artists have to their disposable at a time when we must practice social distancing so planned events and gigs may have been cancelled, causing artists to lose their sources of income.
Free Synth Apps Musicians Stuck At Home
This works if you have a smartphone like an Android or iSO.
For kids (but can be used for all ages):
Traditional Indigenous Kinship Practices At Home
A great resource for folks with children at home who need to have a conversation on what is going on with COVID19 and how to center the child’s or children’s experiences during this time, which may be confusing or frustrating (or joyful!) for them.
Anti-Racist/Anti-Oppressive Home School Kit
Websites for Kids Learning Spanish
Scholastic Classroom Magazines has released 20 days of activities for kids from Pre-K to 6th Grade. They’re not only educational but also entertaining, and a good way to keep children engaged during this time when they aren’t able to have their own routine or hang out with their friends.
Home Learning Packets & Strategies for Special Education
There are some resources in there that are for a price, so you absolutely don’t have to buy anything, but there is some good free information on how to talk to children about COVID19 as well as some links to learning websites that are free to use.
Virtual Field Trips: Kids Can Explore The World at Home
Things to do:
Massive Free Indigenous Movies Online
Visit 12 Museums Around The World
Have a Living Room Dance Party (Facebook Live Video)
Check In With Others
Since we are physically distancing ourselves from others, this is the best time to check in on the people in your life. This can include but isn’t limited to your elders, those who live with chronic illness(es), your partner(s), your friends, your family (chosen or otherwise), your coworkers, and your neighbors. If you have the capacity, be sure to check in on those who live with mental and physical health illnesses, those who live alone, those who are 60+, and those who don’t have access to transportation. Make sure they have what they need, and offer to get them anything (again, if this is within your capacity).
Make sure to check in on folks, just to see how they’re doing. A simple phone call or video call may lift someone’s spirits, and maybe you can even share this blog with them so they have access to some resources that they or their families can use during this time.
Support Your Immune System
Right now, we need to ensure that our well being is taken care of. At this time, practicing yoga or meditation is a great way to ease the stress and anxiety. Check out this meditation that Lizzo did: Lizzo Hosts Live Meditation on Instagram. Try this Qi Gong Routine To Strengthen The Lungs. Keep drinking water, juice, and taking your daily vitamins. Make sure you’re eating regularly and sleeping enough so that your body has time to replenish and restore itself.
Avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine at this time, if you can, because it weakens your immune system’s ability to protect you.
If you or someone you know is experiencing coronavirus-like symptoms, and lives in Travis County, but is uninsured, call CommUnity Care at (512) 978 – 8775. For non-citizens and non-permanent residents, COVID-19-related testing, treatment or preventive care is not included in the new public charge test. This means COVID19 related care will not negatively impact your path to citizenship, and it is okay if a government program pays for the test.
Manage Social Media Presence
During this time, it’s tempting to fall into the social media abyss, where important information is circulated, but fear, hate, and anxieties are also heightened and echoed. Manage your social media presence. Follow accounts that are constantly spreading constructive need-to-know information about national and local affairs, repost what is necessary, and maybe even do some quick life updates.
Limit scrolling through your social media feed for hours. This can cause panic, malaise or anxiety, especially because you cannot control what is fed to you from other accounts. Instead, you have to take in what everyone is posting, and that may not be the best thing to do for your mental, emotional or physical health.
Keep calm, take care of yourself and others in your household, and we will get through this together. Stay in touch by following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (@allgoqpoc) and let us know of any resources that we missed here, so we can share it with others!