By ena ganguly A few years ago, a friend of mine told me a story about their great grandfather, Abdul Hafiz, fondly known as Senior. He was a well known reader of literature, which he would translate into Bangla, to make it more accessible to his people. One of Senior’s favorite hobbies was gardening, and his family would often catch …
A Starter’s Guide to Nourish Skin
By ena ganguly We hear about skin care all the time: the do’s and don’ts, the sometimes and the maybes. It’s really confusing, especially if you are struggling to take care of your skin. I won’t lie, my family blessed me with beautiful skin. My people are from the Bay of Bengal, where the climate is humid and hot, …
Biking for Community, Wellness, and Delight
By Jae Lin This past March, I rode in the Hill Country Ride for AIDS (HCRA) for the first time, and it was so full of unexpected joys, lessons, and challenges. Preparing for the ride, waiting for the day with great anticipation, and spending all day in the beautiful spring weather on the day of the ride—it all came with …
Delicious Ways to Hydrate This Summer
By ena ganguly Can you believe it’s almost summer? We are a few weeks away from hitting those infamous high 90s and dry days. I remember growing up, in both my grandmothers’ households, there were spreads for summer breakfasts: raw almonds, soaking in water, sliced apples and pears, grapes, mangoes, cucumbers, lychee, toast, fresh juice, porridge, and eggs made to …
Graduation & Embracing New Chapters
By ena ganguly Graduation season is upon us, so congratulations if you are reading this! You deserved that degree. Every ounce of work that you put into your education these past four, seven or 12 years is finally culminating to the moment you receive your degree—ready to be framed and proudly hung up on a wall. Graduation day is always …
Communities of Color United: Call to ACTION!
CCU is outraged at the lack of transparency and intentional shut-out of our community’s participation on issues of public safety in our community! Austin City Council is exploiting the vulnerability of this moment to quickly redirect money and power to the Austin Police Department. We are encouraging everyone to contact city staff and representatives to let them know that this …
I Think of Everything as Kinda Kinky
By Jeremy Teal I think of everything as kinky. If you think about it, everything stimulates somebody in some way, and what else is kink but stimulation. It is all personal—personal being between you and those who you practice your scenes with. One my favorite things about kink is the consensual model that all kink worlds follow. Everyone has to …
9 Alternatives to “Partner” as Gender-Neutral Terms of Endearment
By Jae Lin When our loved ones identify us with our appropriate pronouns, names, and designations, it is deeply validating and meaningful, because communicate that they see us as we want to be seen. And for every role someone has in our lives, there are almost always multiple and varied ways of referring to that person—when those roles are gendered. …
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome affects many people. However, marginalized communities can be especially susceptible to this these feelings. But what is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a term that was originally coined to define an individual’s fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of their success, competence, or belonging. People experiencing imposter syndrome may feel like they have deceived or tricked …
4 Habit Trackers for Everyday Life
In December, we posted a blog with suggestions on how to be successful in creating your New Year’s resolutions. Now that it is a new year, we want to follow up with some specific tools that can assist you with tracking the progress of your resolutions in order to help you reach your goals. Often times, the hardest part …