COVID-19 Information

Información sobre COVID-19

The Black Parent Support Fund is a fund that directly gives resources to Black families where parents are living with mental conditions, or supporting children living with mental conditions. These are the priority populations for the fund, however BEAM recognizes that all parents are living in distress during these times and all applicants are considered.
Click here for more info.
Austin Public Health (APH) is excited to begin the process of vaccinating members of the public through vaccine clinics beginning this week. As you may be aware, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is piloting a regional vaccination hub program and APH is part of this pilot. To register for an account and to see if an individual meets the criteria to be vaccinated, please visit AustinTexas.gov/COVID19-Vaccines. This registration system will ask individuals questions about their age, underlying health conditions, and other criteria to be vaccinated. If you meet criteria and appointments are available, you will be allowed to schedule an appointment to receive a vaccine. If you are not eligible or appointments are full you will be placed on a waiting list. If you meet criteria in the future or more appointments are available, you will be notified to return to the system to schedule an appointment. A phone line will also be available for those without internet or computer access. The APH Nursing Hotline is available Monday-Friday 8am-6pm and Saturday 9am-1pm at 512-972-5560. When calling the Hotline press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, 3 for Vietnamese and other languages. APH is currently accepting people who meet the criteria for phase 1A or 1B to vaccinated. This means individuals who work in healthcare, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, and individuals who are 65 years or older. APH is focusing on individuals who do not have private insurance or regular access to healthcare. We are encouraging people with private insurance to contact their primary care provider about being vaccinated. It is critical that we utilize this vaccine on individuals who would otherwise have no other access to it. Receiving this invitation does not guarantee an appointment to be vaccinated this week. Doses of the vaccine are still very limited. We believe supply will increase in the coming weeks, but if someone does not get an appointment this week, please encourage patience. Additional information about the COVID-19 vaccination process along with frequently asked questions are available at AustinTexas.gov/COVID19-Vaccines. |
El Departamento de Salud Pública (APH) se complace en comenzar el proceso de vacunación a los miembros de la comunidad a través de clínicas de vacunas a partir de esta semana. Como usted puede ser consciente, El Departamento de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Texas (DSHS por sus siglas en ingles) está probando un programa piloto regional de centros de inmunización y el Departamento de Salud Pública (APH) es parte de este piloto. Para registrase por una cuenta y ver si una persona cumple con los requisitos de vacuna. Por favor, visite AustinTexas.gov/COVID19-Vaccines después. Este sistema de registro les hará preguntas a las personas sobre su edad, las condiciones de salud subyacentes y otros requisitos para ser vacunado. Si cumple con los requisitos y las citas están disponibles, se le permitirá programar una cita para recibir una vacuna. Si usted no es elegible o las citas están saturadas, se le colocará en una lista de espera. Si cumple con los requisitos en el futuro o más citas se vuelven disponibles, se le notificará para volver al sistema para programar una cita. Una línea telefónica también estará disponible para aquellos que no tienen acceso a Internet o computadora. La línea directa de enfermería del Departamento de Salud (APH) 512-972-5560 está disponible de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. y los sábados de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. Al llamar a la línea directa oprima 1 para inglés, 2 para español, 3 para vietnamita y otros idiomas. Actualmente, APH está aceptando a personas que cumplen con los requisitos para que la fase 1A o 1B se vacune. Esto se refiere a las personas que trabajan en el cuidado de salud, residentes y personal de centros de atención a largo plazo, y personas que tengan 65 años o más. APH se está enfocando en personas que no tienen seguro privado o acceso regular al cuidado de salud. Estamos alentando a las personas con seguro privado a que se pongan en contacto con su proveedor de atención primaria para vacunarse. Es fundamental que utilicemos esta vacuna en individuos que de otro modo no tendrían otro acceso a ella. Si reciben esta invitación no garantiza una cita para ser vacunado esta semana. Las dosis de la vacuna siguen siendo muy limitadas. Creemos que el suministro aumentará en las próximas semanas, pero si alguien no recibe una cita esta semana, por favor tenga paciencia. En AustinTexas.gov/COVID19-Vaccines se puede obtener información adicional sobre el proceso de vacunación COVID-19, junto con las preguntas más frecuentes. |
STEP: Queer Texan Assistance Application Form / Formulario de solicitud de asistencia queer texano
Please fill out this application form for Short Term Assistance: Utility Bills (Water, Gas, Electricity).
Complete este formulario de solicitud para asistencia a corto plazo: Facturas de servicios públicos (agua, gas, electricidad).
HAAM Insurance
If you’re a musician in the greater Austin area, HAAM is for you. HAAM is here to help make healthcare easy and get you covered. Don’t wait, open enrollment is HAPPENING NOW! It’s easy to sign up for an appointment at www.myhaam.org/become-a-member
HAAM insurance premium coverage only lasts while funds are available, so make that appointment today!

Si eres un músico o una música en el área de Austin, HAAM es para ti. HAAM está aquí para facilitar el proceso de atención y cobertura médica. ¡No esperes más, la inscripción abierta ESTÁ SUCEDIENDO AHORA! Es fácil registrarte para una cita en www.myhaam.org/conviertete-en-miembro
La cobertura de las primas del seguro por medio de HAAM sólo duran mientras haya fondos disponibles, así que haz tu cita hoy mismo.

COVID-19 Health and Wellness Support Line
COVID-19 Health & Wellness Support Line: 1-888-855-7483
The COVID-19 Health & Wellness Support Line provides short-term counseling and support to Austin workers and families whose mental health has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents living in an Austin City Council District can speak with a counselor from Alliance Work Partners through a confidential 24-hour support line. Services are free and available in over 150 languages.
Low and moderate-income employees working in customer-facing industries like food and beverage service, retail, hospitality, and personal services (i.e., barbershops, salons, residential cleaning, etc.) are highly encouraged to access this free resource. Learn more about the COVID-19 Health & Wellness Support Line.
Línea de Apoyo de Salud y Bienestar para COVID-19: 1-888-855-7483
La Ciudad de Austin anuncia un nuevo recurso de salud y bienestar que provee consejería y apoyo a corto plazo para los trabajadores y familias de Austin cuya salud mental se haya visto afectada por la pandemia del COVID-19. Los residentes que viven en un distrito del Concejo Municipal de Austin pueden hablar con un consejero de Alliance Work Partners llamando al 1-888-855-7483, una línea de ayuda confidencial disponible las 24 horas. Los servicios son gratis y están disponibles en inglés, español y más de otros 150 idiomas.
Se anima a los empleados y ex-empleados de ingresos bajos y moderados de industrias que atienden al público como lugares de comida y bebida, tiendas, hoteles y servicios personales (por ejemplo, barberías, salones de belleza, limpieza residencial, etc.) a que aprovechen estos recursos gratis. Aprende más de Línea de Apoyo de Salud y Bienestar para COVID-19
Austin Health Commons: COVID-19 Relief Program
Austin Health Commons is grateful to connect and support families in the Eastern Crescent during these unprecedented times. Many neighbors continue to serve on the front lines of health care and retail. During this time of loss and change, we are here to provide support and be that bridge to resources. There are newer neighbors in the Eastern crescent blessed with financial wealth who wish to ensure that all people have the opportunity to live well and thrive.
Through our COVID-19 Relief Program and Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Circles, we are connecting neighbors to one another, bolstering the internal resilience of our community.
We are assisting families with rent and utilities payments, food, supplies, logistical, and emotional support through our networks with neighborhood leaders, elders, local businesses, and community organizations.
If you need assistance, please complete our needs assessment below. A member of our team will contact once it is received.
whatsinthemirror? Connect To Care Application
Whatsinthemirror? would like to thank you for applying for mental health services via our Connect to Care Program. Program funding will cover a consultation and up to 2 clinical session with one of our pre-screened therapist or a therapist of your choice, its totally up to you. In order to provide you with the best available resources we ask that you fill out the questions below.
OutYouth Queer and Trans Community Closet
We have dry foods and partnered with Urban Roots to get fresh produce. If you have any folx in need that are LGTBQIA+, it is open to them. We are doing curbside pick up. Folx need to fill out a form first (selecting the items they want/need) and select a pick up time.
LGTBQIA+ Folks Apply! HEB Gift Cards From OutYouth!
We are currently taking applications for anyone that identifies as LGBTQIA+ for HEB gift cards. It is for folks of any age, and even for families with a youth that is LGBTQIA+.
City of Austin Offers Free Stay + Meals for Folks Exposed to COVID-19

Schedule free clothing and housewares curbside collection
Mishpocha Fund
this is a family-run foundation that’s giving out $250 emergency assistance grants for people in travis county: https://www.mishpochafund.org/blank-page
folks could probably put Community of Color United For Racial Justice down as an org to “vouch” for them
Dress For Success
Virtual career counseling and styling appointments for any woman-identifying person who is seeking a job or better job: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7raI2kIxzDKaH5je0cfYmqscnrd4eM0wXLi_DhOx0iYdKDg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Their working resource list: https://austin.dressforsuccess.org/news/covid-19-helpful-resources-2/
Capital Idea
I’d like to share info about our online application process: Temporary Application Process , and about our virtual info sessions: CareerUp Info Sessions . Thank you! dlopez@capitalidea.org
Opportunities for Williamson & Burnet Counties:
Utility assistance program & Case Management program: dwheeler@owbc-tx.org
Texas RioGrande Legal Aid
TRLA is primarily providing legal advice by letter or phone until courts reopen: tsecrest@trla.org
ARCIL provides Independent Living Skills training to any person with any disability. One major service we provide is employment readiness: teri@arcil.com & rebecca@arcil.com
Skillpoint Alliance
FREE Training programs. Advanced Manufacturing – Certified production Tech (CPT) ONLINE ONLY (April 20th) and Pre-Apprentice Nurse Aide program (May) hybrid classroom instruction. We also cover training in Electrical, HVAC, and Plumbing. When students come into the classroom they will wear PPE. Weekly virtual info sessions performed. Registration forms may be found on our social media pages (Twitter/FaceBook)
WBCO: Child Care
Workforce Solutions Capital Area: Jobs available – www.wfscapitalarea.com
Austin Community College
We are providing free month-long classes for jobseekers virtually. More info at Strategies for the Job Seeking Community katie.mcclendon@austincc.edu
Austin Community College
SEF-Student Emergency Fund assistance for ACC students. erika.alcala@austinc.edu
Austin ISD: Families as Partners
A Parent Engagement Program that supports 14 campuses in North Austin by building up parents’ capacities to equip them to navigate the school system and help them reach their goals like employment and accessing higher education for themselves and their children. maria.rosas@austinisd.org https://familiesaspartners.org/
Refugee Services of Texas
Refugee Services of Texas serves refugees, special immigrant visa holders, survivors of trafficking and U-visa holders. Our programs include; Community Wellness which provides counselling services (virtually currently), Employment, Social Adjustment Services and our Survivors of Trafficking Empowerment Program. All our services are free of course and we offer interpretation for all services.
Job search assistance, career training (CDL, phlebotomy, CNA, PC Tech)
Goodwill Workforce Advancement is still offering all of our services virtually.
The Goodwill Career & Technical Academy is also open and has served both in-person and virtually depending on safety regarding the pandemic: gctatraining.org
Foundation Communities
Remote Prosper Program services
- College support services through the College Hub
- Free online tax prep
- Financial coaching
- Health insurance enrollment
Ascend Life Skills
General support, especially for those presently incarcerated and recently released. Www.ascendlifeskills.com
COVID-19 Testing in Austin
For those who cannot sign up via email for the APH free (drive-up) testing, you can call this number to be registered via phone: (512) 972-5560, available M-F from 8-5pm or Sat 9-1pm. At this phone line, you are prompted to choose English or Spanish, Vietnamese and others. Also, it’s for residents of Hays, Williamson, Travis and other counties. Then there are a few options. Option #2 is to sign up for the COVID-19 test. You have to provide name, birthdate, address and zipcode, and phone number. If you want results via email, you add email. Otherwise you call them back 4-5 days after your test to get results. Otherwise you can get an appointment for the test via email at https://covid19.austintexas.gov/s/?language=en_US

Hello! We are Trans Lifeline, a national peer support and crisis hotline for transgender people – and microgranting organization. Our hotline is operated by all transgender people, and this summer, we are launching a Spanish language extension that we wanted to make sure you knew about.
We would love to share some of our services that may be a helpful resource to your members and community:
Our hotline number is: 877-565-8860
Our Microgrants program offers two grants each month that cover fees for updating gender and name changes on immigration documents – and several more per month for US ID documents. You can learn more here.
Face Masks & Shields Available at allgo
Thanks to Bruce & Olive Co., allgo has 200 face masks for community. Please email at allgo@allgo.org if you’re in need of a mask!
Thanks to a community member, we have face shields also available for folks! Please email at allgo@allgo.org!
FarmShare Austin – Home Delivery & Accepting SNAP
Farmshare Austin is doing home delivery and they accept SNAP- their mainly doing produce with some shelf stable goods.
Goodwill Rental & Mortgage Assistance
Goodwill Central Texas has received RISE funding from the City and is currently taking applications to assist community members with rental and mortgage assistance.
For Houston residents: Low-Income Harris County Residents Can Apply For Free Legal Representation in Eviction Cases
HOUSTON (May 21, 2020)—The Supreme Court moratorium that postponed evictions for nonpayment of rent during the COVID-19 pandemic expired on May 18, and many Houstonians may now be at risk of eviction. Houston Volunteer Lawyers (HVL), a service of the Houston Bar Association, can help low-income individuals who may face eviction proceedings. HVL is expediting eligible eviction applications as court proceedings are expected to resume on June 1.
Applications can be submitted online at www.makejusticehappen.org/Apply-Online. An application may also be printed and emailed to info@hvlp.org or can be faxed to (713) 228-5826. Applicants should be prepared to give as much information about their case as possible, including an eviction case number, if available.
“HVL is trying to match as many eligible, low-income Houstonians as possible with volunteer attorneys,” Bill Kroger, Houston Bar Association president, said. “And if you are seeking help with an eviction, please apply with HVL as quickly as possible, so that we can try to place your case and be mindful of deadlines. We are here to help, but can only do so if you reach out to us.”
Visit the How to Get Help page at www.MakeJusticeHappen.org to learn more. A legal caseworker will notify each applicant if other documents are required. If an application is accepted, HVL will try to place the case with a volunteer attorney. Translators and other accommodation requests can be made by calling (713) 228-0735 or emailing info@hvlp.org.
For more information on this and other HVL services, please visit www.MakeJusticeHappen.org or call (713) 228-0735.
About Houston Volunteer Lawyers
Founded in 1981 by the Houston Bar Association, Houston Volunteer Lawyers (HVL) provides free, civil legal services to low-income residents of Harris County by linking qualified applicants with attorneys who volunteer their time on a pro bono basis. HVL is an equal opportunity agency, providing services to clients without regard to race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or religion. For more information, please call (713) 228-0735 or visit www.makejusticehappen.org.
YMCA Food Support
The YMCA of Austin is hosting free distribution of fresh produce ( area residents will receive 20-pound boxes of fruits and vegetables via touchless drive-through or walk-up) beginning Tuesday, May 19, at the following locations: Distribution at the North Austin YMCA (1000 W. Rundberg Ln.) will begin Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and will continue on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Drivers are asked to enter the parking lot from Mearns Meadow Drive.Distribution at the East Communities YMCA (5315 Ed Bluestein Blvd.) will begin Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and will continue on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Drivers must enter the parking lot from the northbound lane of Ed Bluestein.
The weekly program will run each Tuesday through August.
UT CARES Act Emergency Assistance
he Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocates funds to support individuals and businesses/organizations, including colleges and universities, affected by the pandemic and economic downturn. UT has received funds under the CARES Act and is working to provide emergency assistance to as many students as possible to help them meet their emergency financial needs during this challenging time.
Students who receive financial aid are eligible to apply for a maximum of $1500 (no additional documents required). Unfortunately, undocumented students cannot receive funds.

Student Emergency Services
Our office helps students and their families during difficult or emergency situations. Assistance includes outreach, advocacy, intervention, support, and referrals to relevant campus and community resources. Please note, our office does not provide counseling services.
You can best access services available through SES by completing an online form or emailing studentemergency@austin.utexas.edu.
Emergency situations include but are not limited to:
- Missing Student
- Family Emergency
- Fire or Natural Disaster
- Student Death (current or former)
- Medical or Mental Health Concern
- Academic difficulties due to crisis or emergency situations
- Interpersonal Violence (stalking, harassment, physical and/or sexual assault)
Phone: 512-471-5017
Fax: 512-475-7942

Equality Labs: COVID-19 Language Guides
As part of our work to combat disinformation during COVID-19 and equip our communities with the tools they need, we have created a medically vetted series of Coronavirus information cards, in an expansive array of languages. Disinformation during COVID-19 is more than just fake news — it can mean life or death in terms of how people take care of themselves and their loved ones. We designed these cards to be shared widely through social media and encourage you to share them, but as a set. Sharing just one card out of the whole set could lead to confusion.
How to Use: Click the cover of each set to be led to the downloadable PDF for this language and its accessible audiovisual file.
Apply to the GSC Crisis Fund!!
Don’t forget that our crisis fund is live! If you are in crisis, please contact us at gsc@austin.utexas.edu and we’ll set up an appointment to chat and fill out your application together.

One-time TANF
What it offers
Money to families in crisis so they can pay for:
- Food
- Clothing
- Housing
- Utilities
- Furniture
- Transportation
- Phone
- Laundry
- Supplies for the home
- Medical supplies not paid for by Medicaid
- Other basic needs
- https://yourtexasbenefits.hhsc.texas.gov/programs/tanf/one-time
This help can be given to a family only once a year.
Who is it for?
Families in crisis who:
- Have children age 18 and younger.
- Don’t have a lot of money or have a way to get more money.
- Crises include losing a job, losing a home, or a medical emergency
Online Writing Workshop For Students Grades 3 – 12

The Boris L Henson Foundation
Starting on April 15, those in need of emotional support can register here for “up to 5 free therapy sessions with culturally competent clinicians in our Resource Guide,” according to an emailed statement from BLHF. As Henson says, “No one should have to suffer in silence.”
ASA Resources
ASA Now Has At-Home HIV Testing

Offering at-home HIV Testing Kits! As providers across the community halt in-person testing we are delivering free at home HIV test kits through our CDN store. The order of each kit is accompanied by a virtual session with a certified HIV counselor. If someone tests positive we are linking them to care at our Moody Medical Clinic.
United Way For Greater Austin: COVID-19 Resources
Eating Apart Together Initiative
Getting you food and supplies while keeping everyone safe
COVID-19 has changed how everyone in Austin gets food. With more restaurants closing and fewer people handing out donations, finding reliable sources of food is more important than ever. The City of Austin and partners across the community created the Eating Apart Together (EAT) Initiative to get food to people experiencing homelessness through the COVID-19 response.