By ena ganguly For the month of Pride, it is important for us to document the narratives, hardships, and joys of the vast queer and transgender people of color communities. Indeed, our struggles meet at the intersections of colonialism and slavery, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, and racism. As in almost all communities, a racial, class and gender hierarchy exists within the …
A Starter’s Guide to Nourish Skin
By ena ganguly We hear about skin care all the time: the do’s and don’ts, the sometimes and the maybes. It’s really confusing, especially if you are struggling to take care of your skin. I won’t lie, my family blessed me with beautiful skin. My people are from the Bay of Bengal, where the climate is humid and hot, …
Graduation & Embracing New Chapters
By ena ganguly Graduation season is upon us, so congratulations if you are reading this! You deserved that degree. Every ounce of work that you put into your education these past four, seven or 12 years is finally culminating to the moment you receive your degree—ready to be framed and proudly hung up on a wall. Graduation day is always …
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome affects many people. However, marginalized communities can be especially susceptible to this these feelings. But what is imposter syndrome? Imposter syndrome is a term that was originally coined to define an individual’s fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of their success, competence, or belonging. People experiencing imposter syndrome may feel like they have deceived or tricked …
3 (Free) Steps to Increase Your Cyber Security Protection
By Jae Lin For many of us, an ever-growing portion of our lives is online these days. The internet is often a place of connection and solidarity. Sometimes, it’s the first place we really find community as queer and trans people of color. The internet provides information, content, and discourse that is relevant and updated in a way that can’t …